No Juice...


Posted by J.Cardenas | Posted on Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm on a lull again... Nothing has struck me for the past few days. I would really like to pick up my brushes again but I don't want to force myself to paint because I know that doing so would only turn out a disaster... On the lookout for something inspiring...

New Owner for No. 3...


Posted by J.Cardenas | Posted in , , , | Posted on Monday, March 8, 2010

I must have done hundreds of paintings, sketches and drawings since I started doing them just for fun. I could only imagine what would've happened to all those works had I not have the habit of giving them away.

Yeah, just I gave them away to whomever was able to appreciate them. I guess that still holds true until today because I didn't hesitate to part with the Carabao Park picture when friend Angel hinted that she liked it so much (she had no idea that it's just a few points bigger than a 5R photograph blowup).

Anyway, it's the creative process that I really enjoy. The final product is just a bonus. I think that's the primary reason why I've got lots of other half-finished works that, sadly, would not see a finishing touch.

No. 3


Posted by J.Cardenas | Posted in , , | Posted on Saturday, March 6, 2010

First post for March.

This image should be familiar to Los Banos people. It's been a long-held belief among students that climbing onto the carabao, drawing, sketching or even taking a photograph of it would assure that one would not be able to graduate from UP. I never believed it. I've drawn it several times while I was studying at UP (even way back during high school) and taken countless of photographs of it during college but I still managed to graduate (although not in time, come to think of it).

Picking Up...


Posted by J.Cardenas | Posted on Monday, February 22, 2010

February's almost over and I haven't picked up my brushes yet. I've tried a couple of stuff but nothing post-worthy came out... I gotta find better paper and change brushes along the way...

No. 2


Posted by J.Cardenas | Posted in , | Posted on Saturday, January 30, 2010

In between layouting some publications, I was able to squeeze in painting this one. Not particularly happy about it though. One of these days, I'm gonna have to attempt to redo something like this. In the meantime, please feel free to criticize...

Not So Productive


Posted by J.Cardenas

Okay so I tried to squeeze in another painting for the week but it turned out to be a disaster (so I'm not posting it). It's been a very busy week (work-wise) so I wasn't able to devote any time to painting -- good on one hand, bad on the other. Looks like I really have to squeeze more creative juices come February...

Coming Soon... (hopefully!)


Posted by J.Cardenas | Posted in | Posted on Monday, January 25, 2010

I've got two more subjects which I'm all fired-up to put on paper. Hopefully, I can finish them within the week. If it turns out that I can't, guess I'll have to add the quota to my February posts.

I'm now looking out for the next inspiration to complete my January subjects...